The magic box

by mimithorisson

There is no bad weather, just bad clothes. Swedish proverb

Here in Médoc, instead of taking our kids to a toy store, we take them to a ‘pépinière'(flower and plant nursery), which has become their new fairground attraction. Last April, we told our kids they could pick a small plant to take care of. Mia chose verveine (lemon verbena) for its refreshing smell, Louise chose pink geraniums for the colour, and Hudson opted for a raspberry plant for its opulence. We put these three plants in a box, and told the kids it was their full responsibility to take care of the green babies. They proved to be good plant-sitters, and today the plants have grown to perfection! Plants are a symbol of growth, encouraging all of us to adopt new ideas, so it was only a matter of time before the kids fell in love with their ‘magic growing box’.

What better way to grow memories than in your own garden?